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專任教師 - 醫學影像暨放射技術系(所)
教師姓名 郭瓊文 (Chiung-Wen Kuo)
職稱 助理教授
  • 國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 博士
  • 英國伯明瀚大學物理系(輻射與醫學物理組) 碩士
  • 元培醫專放射技術科
電話 03-5381183 ext.7502
研究室 影醫館M502
E-mail kuocw@mail.ypu.edu.tw
專長 超音波技術、骨質密度分析、醫學物理
  • 陸軍804醫院放射科醫事放射師 (1992/06~1993/08)
  • 英國伯明瀚大學附設醫院(Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)研究(1995/06~1996/01)
  • 元培醫事科技大學講師 (1997/08~2010/01)
  • 元培醫事科技大學助理教授 (2010/02~迄今)


  1. 2010/1/1 ~2011/6/30 協同主持人執行教育部北區教學資源中心「Eye你入骨-社區服務」研究計畫。
  2. 2012/7/1 ~ 2013/6/30 執行行政院原子能委員會游離輻射防護測驗。
  3. 2013/7/3 ~ 2015/12/31 執行行政院原子能委員會游離輻射防護測驗。
  4. 2014/7/28 ~ 2014/8/29執行103年度教育部學海築夢計畫,帶領五位學生赴日本東京國立中央病院 (National Cancer Center) 醫學影像部海外實習35天。
  5. 2014/6/1 ~ 2014/6/30執行103學年度教育部補助技專校院教師赴公民營機構研習服務。
  6. 2015/7/27 ~ 2015/9/4執行104年度教育部學海築夢計畫,帶領五位學生赴日本東京國立中央病院(National Cancer Center)醫學影像部海外實習42天。
  7. 2016/1/1 ~ 2017/12/31執行行政院原子能委員會游離輻射防護測驗。
  8. 2016/7/11 ~ 2016/8/19執行教育部學海築夢計畫,帶領2位學生赴日本東京國立中央病院 (National Cancer Center) 醫學影像部海外實習42天。
  9. 2017/7/10 ~ 2017/8/18執行教育部學海築夢計畫,帶領5位學生赴日本東京國立中央病院 (National Cancer Center) 醫學影像部海外實習42天。
  10. 2018/1/1 ~ 2019/12/31執行行政院原子能委員會游離輻射防護測驗。
  11. 2018/7/9 ~ 2018/8/17執行教育部學海築夢計畫,帶領2位學生赴日本東京國立中央病院 (National Cancer Center) 醫學影像部海外實習42天。
  12. 2018/11/2 ~ 2021/8/31計畫主持人執行教育部優化技職校院實作環境。


  1. Njeh CF, Kuo CW, Boivin C, and Langton CM. A Combined Model of Ultrasound Velocity and BMD Improves Cancellous Bone Strength Prediction in Vitro. Osteoporosis International, 1996, 6, pp. 196.
  2. Njeh CF, Kuo CW, Langton CM, Atrah HI, Boivin CM. Prediction of Human Femoral Bone Strength Using Ultrasound Velocity and BMD: In Vitro Study. Osteoporos Int 1997;7(5):471-477.
  3. Kuo CW and Chu TC. Clinical Applications of Ultrasound in Obstetrics. Gamma, 2002, 6, 64-70.
  4. Kuo CW, Ye SF, Chan KY, Chen LS, Chiou YP, Jan ST, Chang TH. Evaluation of Image Quality and Dose in Film-Screen Magnification Mammography. Chin J Radiol 2004;29:81-86.
  5. Kuo CW, Chang TH, Ho SY, Lee MC, Yen YC. Evaluation of bone mineral density in multiparous postmenopausal women by using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. J Appli Rad and Isoto 2005;1:49-54.
  6. Chen HY, Ho SY, Chang TH, Kuo CW, Wu YJ. Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry for Evaluating Bone Mineral Density after Breast Cancer Treatment. J of Health Science 2007;9(3):188-199.
  7. Kuo CW, Chang TH, Chi WL, Chu TC. Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Bone Mineral Density in Healthy Taiwanese Middle Aged Men. J Clin Densitom 2008; 10:518-524.
  8. Kuo CW, Ho SY, Chang TH, Chu TC. Quantitative Ultrasound of the Calcaneus in Hemodialysis Patients. Ultrasound Med Biol 2010;36(4):589-594.
  9. Wang AC, Chen HT, Kuo CW, Wei JW, Chiou HJ, Chou YH. Investigation of Thyroid Nodules by Appling Technique of Combining US-elastography and Conventional Ultrasound. C J Radiologic Tech 2011; 35(2): 123-130.
  10. Lo CY, Kuo CW, Chen HT, Lee JC, Wang JH, Ho JY, Yang NT. The Difference of Evaluation Result in Intermediate Lesion by Quantitative Coronary Angiography, Intravascular Ultrasound and Fractional Flow Reserve. J Appli Rad and Isoto 2013; 9:653-660.
  11. Huang CY, Tai WT, Wu SY, Shih CT, Chen MH, Tsai MH, Kuo CW, Shiau CW, Hung MH, Chen KF. Dovitinib Acts As a Novel Radiosensitizer in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Targeting SHP-1/STAT3 Signaling. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2016;95(2):761-71.
  12. Kuo CW. The educational System of Radiological Technology in Taiwan. Journal of Japanese Association of Radiological Technologists. 2016;63:58-61.
  13. Lai LH, Chuang KS, Lin HH, Liu YC, Kuo CW, Lin JP. Comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and volumetric modulated arc therapy dose measurement for head and neck cancer using optical stimulated luminescence dosimeter. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2017;140:266–270.
  14. Huang CY, Hung MH, Shih CT, Hsieh FS, Kuo CW, Tsai MH, Chang SS, Hsiao YJ, Chen LJ, Chao TI, Chen KF. Antagonizing SET Augments the Effects of Radiation Therapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma through Reactivation of PP2A-Mediated Akt Downregulations. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2018;366(3):410-421.
  15. Huang CY, Hsieh FS, Wang CY, Chen LJ, Chang SS, Tsai MH, Hung MH, Kuo CW, Shih CT, Chao TI, Chen KF. Palbociclib enhances radiosensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma via inhibiting ataxia telangiectasia-mutated kinase-mediated DNA damage response. Eur J Cancer 2018;102:10-22.

(C)研討會論文 (68 Conference Papers)

(D)邀請演講 (Keynote Speech or Invited Speech)

  1. Kuo CW. Radiological Education and Training in Taiwan. International Symposium 2014, AGM of Komazawa Radiology. Tokyo, Japan, May 2014.
  2. 郭瓊文,「台灣放射技師的養成教育」,山東省第10次放射技術學術大會,山東濟寧,2014年6月。
  3. Kuo CW. Development of Radiological Technology in Taiwan. The Second Annual Conference of Vietnam Association of Radiological Technologists. Vung Tau, Vietnam, August 2014.
  4. 郭瓊文,「The Communication Strategies of Radiation safety」,2014年國際輻射風險溝通研討會,台北,2014年10月。
  5. Kuo CW. The Influence of Taiwan Association of Radiological Technologists activities on the medicine of Taiwan. The Second Vietnam-Myanmar-Philippines. International Conference. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 2015.
  6. 郭瓊文,「台灣放射技師的教育制度」,第二十三屆中華影像技術年會,廣西南寧,2015年10月。
  7. Kuo CW. Radiological Technologists Education Program in Taiwan. The 31st Japan Conference of Radiological Technologists. Kyoto, Japan, November 2015.
  8. Kuo CW. Introduction of the Taiwan Society of Radiological Technologists. 2016 Japan Radiology Congress. Yokohama, Japan, April 2016.
  9. Kuo CW. Future of Academic Exchange between Japan and Taiwan. International Symposium 2016, AGM of Komazawa Radiology. Tokyo, Japan, June 2016.
  10. Kuo CW. The Globalization of Radiological Education: Taiwan’s Experience. The 24th Chinese Society of Imaging Technology National Academic Congress. Suzhou, China, October 2016.
  11. Kuo CW. Current State of Radiological Technologists Education in Taiwan. The 20th World Congress of International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists. Seoul, Korea, October 2016.
  12. Kuo CW. Internationalization, Mobilization in Radiological Education. 2017 Japan Radiology Congress. Yokohama, Japan, April 2017.
  13. Kuo CW. Education System and Professional License of Radiological Technologists in Taiwan. Showa University International Symposium 2017. Tokyo, Japan, April 2017.
  14. Kuo CW. A Preliminary Study on Virtual Touch Imaging Elastography in the Evaluation of Thyroid Ndules. The 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of Macao Radiological Technologists’ Association. Macau, China, September 2017.
  15. Kuo CW. Education system and future for radiological technologists in Taiwan. The 33rd Japan Conference of Radiological Technologists. Hakodate, Japan, September 2017.
  16. Kuo CW. Taiwan Society of Radiological Technologists Present and Future. 2018 Japan Radiology Congress. Yokohama, Japan, April 2018.


  1. 郭瓊文、莊奇容、周美榮、林俊良、張榮華,醫學影像技術學,978-986-126-588-9,台北,民國98年7月


  1. Kuo, Chiung-Wen. Measurements of Cancellous Bone Fragility with a New Ultrasound Bone Densitometry, Master of Science Degree, University of Birmingham, 1995, 10.
  2. Kuo, Chiung-Wen. Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Bone Status in Hemodialysis Patients, 博士論文, 國立清華大學, 2010, 1.
  3. 趙文興、郭瓊文,足弓攝影輔具,中華民國M488976,新型專利,民國103年11月1日-民國113年3月30日。
  4. 張俊義、郭瓊文,脂肪燃燒耗能裝置,中華民國M519535,新型專利,民國105年4月1日-民國114年4月13日。